How programmer wish happy new year by programming knowledge ? C program to wish happy new year Hello friends Happy New Year to all of you. And on this occasion of New Year, we have prepared a simple mini project using C programming language. Whose code you can download it by clicking on the download link given below. Download link
Draw Doraemon picture using C graphic How to draw Doraemon picture? Today we are telling you how we can draw a photo of Doraemon using c ++ graphics. You can see its code below and you can use it by copying it. We have also made a video on this. You can also watch it below link. LINK Code - #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); ellipse(200,450,150,390,50,16); line(157,441,243,441); ellipse(252,448,246,389,50,18); line(243,441,297,441); ellipse(249,441,90,180,10,15); ellipse(155,410,80,280,8,8); line(157,441,157,370); line(297,441,297,350); circle(147,357,16); //hand ellipse(137,342,300,330,58,19); ellipse(174,348,110,170,29,49); circle(327,275,16); ellipse(265,260,299,340,74,90); ellipse(323,285,110,170,25,19); //head line(163,302,285...